Get out of the everyday, the urban, and the concrete. A promise well known to our contemporaries. Our lives today push us to embrace a functioning that increasingly invites us to abandon our green spaces and focus on these centers of life, in the heart of cities and human tumult. Nature brings us to NOSC . It guides our developments, and although we draw our inspiration from the lines of buildings and the active lives of cities, disconnection , adventure and the passion for wide open spaces keep us in suspense until the doors of discovery. As an eco -responsible sports brand, we will never offer you an adventure on the other side of the world, and we believe that our regions of Europe have enough beauty and magical places to have great adventures.

When it's time to get away, whether it's for an hour or a weekend, we let this RESET collection express itself and invite you to do other things.

1. From drawing to prototype.

Like all the products we develop, thought leads ideas and developments where the needs exist. You had brought up a desire and a clear need for breathable , lighter and more colorful products for the next tops in the NOSC men's and women's collections. The specifications were therefore simple. In addition to providing the bricks that make our brand and our identity, namely advanced technicality , versatility in design and a strong commitment to the eco-responsible impact, we therefore needed a highly breathable product, with colors that invite smile, and who take them to play where life is active: outside.

This is therefore what has led our lines and our designs towards advanced products in stitching and pattern design , but with strong and relevant technical details for various outdoor practices. The choice of a bi-material t-shirt for men was essential to avoid finding a model too similar to the WILD t-shirt, and the new technical knit developed by NOSC is based on an interesting discontinuous warp and weft technology, where each 5mm a thread line disappears to allow for increased breathing space.

For women, a beautiful opening in the back lets your bra appear, where the NOSC detail will be seen without imposing itself. Beyond the visual aspect, the open area brings a real natural air conditioning where women sweat, that is to say in the upper back and between the shoulder blades. The marking details where our exploded NOSC logo starts from scratch, like a real RESET , will differentiate you on the paths and trails!

2. RESET – a real invitation

For us, offering a door of freedom to the tumults and the urban hubbub makes it possible to provide a solution clearly turned towards nature. This in itself is the very essence of RESET.

A collection where we start from scratch . In our logo, we therefore wanted to highlight the colors of the collection, then to break it up into fragments, in order to make our logo also start from scratch, to set an example in itself. Behind this abstract concept lies the entire DNA of the brand. You bring beyond the limits , ensure you a flawless comfort , convince you of an essential quality , without doing too much for the sake of minimalism on the design, the concept and the impact of our products on the planet .

In this attention to detail, this desire to do better, nothing is perfect . Yet we always try to raise our standards. Our products are made from 95% recycled polyester , from a GRS-certified yarn and produced here in Europe , unlike many reels from Asian production.

Our will, to invite.

Invite reflection around the impact of our clothes.

Invite to adventure , to discover our mountains and our paths. Of our lakes and our mountains.

Invite to think beyond a week/weekend duality , and make our lives an adventure.

Invite, too, to take part in the change , to be part of the solution rather than the problem.

That's basically everything we've put into this collection , and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do on the team!

Nice discovery to you ;)



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